History Familie Cnossen-Knossen

The Cnossen’s and Knossen’s roots origin from the family tree of WPKA JOHAN(NIS) to KNOSSENS who lived at the  hamlet Knossens around 1456, located just southeast of Bolsward, a city in the provence of Friesland, the Netherlands.

The Cnossens remained inhabitant of Friesland through the years and still are for the main part. After leaving the hamlet in the middle of the 17th century one could find large concentrations of Cnossens and Knossens near the villages Hommerts and Jutrijp. Now the family is spread over Holland and many members of the family can be found in the US and Canada. Ancestor Wpka Johan(nis) affixed his seal to a testamentary death certificate in 1456. This certificate is being  preserved in the archives of the city of Workum, as regest number 4. The seal shows a two-headed eagle surrounded by the legend WPKA JOHAN(NIS) to KNOSSENS.