Free access:  Genealogy till 1900 
Access to the link below to the genealogical tree is  restricted to Family members, who already possess a login name and pasword.

If you are a Family member and you don’t have login data you can request these as is indicated in the paragraph below.

Only for Family members: Genealogy till now
If you don’t have a loginname and pasword yet, you can request one by mailing the following details to our US ambassador: Jim Cnossen, e-mail
1. First Name(s)
2. Given name
3. Surname
4. Full Postmail address
5. Telephone number
6. E-mail address
7. First nam(s) father
8. Surname father
9. First name(s) mother
10. Surname mother
After you have mailed these 10 items the board will check the data and mail you a login name and pasword and you will be registered in the Family member database.  Of course we guarantee that we will only use the data for Family Cnossen Knossen e-mail and postmail.