Archieve online project

The foundation has an enormous paper archive of approximately 6,000 documents. This collection was built up over a period of sixty years of research. The family archive is both historically and emotionally too valuable to let it gather dust, be forgotten or even perish.

The foundation board has therefore started a new project: digitizing our archive by means of photos and scans. In this way, we not only record it for the future, but also make it accessible to family members via our websites. It is a huge job and we need help from third parties.

It goes without saying that this project will cost money. We are focusing on a new method of financing for our foundation. We are approaching companies that are affiliated with members of the Cnossen-Knossen family, with the request to support us financially for this project in order to make it a success, in return for which, among other things, a mention on our well-visited websites.

main sponsorcompany-LOGOPARTNERcompany-LOGO

Total amount
dd 1-15-2025
<amount>Total amount
dd 1-15-2025
€ 500